Sunday, July 2, 2006

Catholic Bible Study Online: Three More Resources

I have three more resources for Catholic Bible study online.

Michael Barber - Singing in the Reign (on Blogger)

For those of you lucky enough to be able to hear EWTN Radio programs either through Ave Maria Radio, internet radio, or Sirius Satellite Radio, you may know who Michael Barber is. He hosts a weekly radio show called, "Reasons for Faith" which focuses on the Bible. This young guy is about as enthusiastic as they come about the Catholic faith and can tie scripture together in an amazing way. He is currently working on his PhD

Michael Barber then introduces us to another new website that has launched....

Dr. Brant Pitre at

From his introductory post:

Welcome to my website! I am Dr. Brant Pitre, currently assistant professor of Scripture and Theology at Our Lady of Holy Cross College, in New Orleans, Louisiana. I received my Ph.D. in New Testament and ancient Judaism from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and since then have spent my time teaching, writing, and giving lectures on the Bible and on the Jewish roots of Christianity. I am the author of a new book, entitled Jesus, the Tribulation, and the End of the Exile (Baker Academic, 2005), and am currently writing another on Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. I am also the author of several audio CD Bible study sets that explore the Jewish roots of Scripture and the Catholic Faith.

This site has been established for anyone interested in the study of the Bible, the “Sacred Page” (sacra pagina). As the Second Vatican Council taught, the study of Sacred Scripture “should be the very soul of sacred theology.” And, as St. Jerome taught, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Hence, the mission of this website is simple: to provide a place for all those who want to “put out into the deep” in the study of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Theology. I engage in this study from a deeply Catholic perspective, but gladly welcome all who are interested in the study of the Bible.

Michael Barber goes on to tell us more in his post about Dr. Pitre's new website. Turns out he is a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Center, which is the first Catholic Bible study reference I had in another post. I referenced it as, which belongs to Dr. Scott Hahn.

Our last reference today, is another EWTN radio personality, John Martignoni, who has the site,

All of these are solid, and will be in my sidebar under a new section dedicated to Scripture Study.

These references are solidly Catholic, so bookmark them.